Voltaiq CEO Speaking at Battery Power 2015 in Denver

If you're coming to this year's Battery Power 2015 Conference, don't miss our CEO Dr. Tal Sholklapper's talk titled "Maximize Battery Performance and Lifetime Using Big Data." This year's conference takes place August 5-6, 2015 in Denver, Colorado. We're thrilled to be included among the distinguished list of presenters on the conference program.

The abstract for Tal's talk is: Market demands require developers to maximize battery performance while also meeting exacting warrantied lifetimes, now often measured in multiple years and many thousands of cycles. However, battery lifetimes are still poorly understood, exposing organizations to excessive liability. In this presentation, we will highlight how to harnesses data collected across the battery lifecycle, from integration testing to real work use, using machine learning algorithms to optimize both performance and lifetime and minimize product liabilities.

Look for future blog posts with details on the conference agenda, and the time and location of Tal's presentation.