Evaluating The New Arbin Instruments Linear Battery Testing Series Cyclers

Arbin Instruments generously decided to let us do a side-by-side comparison of their newest line of battery testers, the LBT series, with their traditional BT-2000 series test systems. This new generation of testers, along with the new HPTCE series (capable of meaningful high-precision coulomb counting), are the result of Arbin’s collaboration with Ford Motor Company and Sandia National Lab through the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E program.

Arbin and Maccor Recommended Cycling Procedures

At Voltaiq we’re often asked for recommendations on how to best set up and record data from a battery or capacitor test. If you’re like us, you probably built your first test program using a template created by someone else — without first thinking through the implications of each recording step. At the end of this post we'll provide some best-practice cycling procedures to produce rich data sets with minimal noise, delivering powerful insights from your battery data.

Battery Data, The Basics

Devices powered by batteries are all around us. Think of how many batteries are within arm’s reach as you read this! There are single-use alkaline batteries in our TV remotes and wireless mice/keyboards, and rechargeable lithium batteries in our cell phones and laptops. These devices can be tiny, like pacemakers, or large like the batteries powering electric vehicles or storing energy on the electric grid.